Barium Nitrate And Sodium Chromate

Barium nitrate and sodium chromate, two indispensable chemical compounds, occupy a prominent position in the realm of science and industry. This comprehensive exploration delves into their fundamental properties, reactivity, diverse applications, and essential safety considerations, providing a thorough understanding of these remarkable substances.

These chemicals exhibit distinct characteristics, with barium nitrate existing as a colorless solid at room temperature and sodium chromate appearing as a yellow crystalline powder. Their chemical formulas, Ba(NO3)2 and Na2CrO4 respectively, hint at their molecular compositions and pave the way for further investigation into their chemical behavior.

Chemical Properties: Barium Nitrate And Sodium Chromate

Barium nitrate and sodium chromate are inorganic compounds with distinct chemical properties:

Chemical Formulas

  • Barium nitrate: Ba(NO3)2
  • Sodium chromate: Na2CrO4

Physical States

  • Barium nitrate: Colorless solid at room temperature
  • Sodium chromate: Yellow solid at room temperature

Molar Masses

  • Barium nitrate: 261.32 g/mol
  • Sodium chromate: 161.98 g/mol

Solubility in Water

  • Barium nitrate: Highly soluble
  • Sodium chromate: Moderately soluble


Barium nitrate and sodium chromate

Barium nitrate and sodium chromate exhibit varying degrees of reactivity:

Reactivity of Barium Nitrate

  • Reacts with sulfuric acid to form barium sulfate and nitric acid
  • Decomposes upon heating to produce barium oxide and nitrogen dioxide

Reactivity of Sodium Chromate

  • Reacts with lead nitrate to form lead chromate (a yellow precipitate)
  • Reacts with silver nitrate to form silver chromate (a red precipitate)

Stability and Decomposition

  • Barium nitrate is stable at room temperature but decomposes when heated
  • Sodium chromate is relatively stable but can decompose under certain conditions

Behavior When Heated

  • Barium nitrate decomposes into barium oxide and nitrogen dioxide when heated
  • Sodium chromate undergoes dehydration when heated, losing water molecules


Barium nitrate and sodium chromate

Barium nitrate and sodium chromate have diverse industrial applications:

Applications of Barium Nitrate

  • Pyrotechnics: Used to produce green flames
  • Glass manufacturing: Acts as a refining agent

Applications of Sodium Chromate

  • Pigments: Used to produce yellow pigments for paints and ceramics
  • Metal treatments: Used as an anti-corrosive agent
  • Wood preservatives: Used to protect wood from rot and decay

Analytical Chemistry

  • Barium nitrate: Used to detect sulfate ions
  • Sodium chromate: Used as an indicator in redox titrations

Safety Considerations

Reaction barium nitrate potassium chromate chapter precipitates equation chapter4 shaunmwilliams genchem

Barium nitrate and sodium chromate pose potential hazards:


  • Barium nitrate: Toxic if ingested, can cause respiratory irritation
  • Sodium chromate: Carcinogenic, toxic if ingested

Safety Precautions

  • Handle with gloves and protective clothing
  • Store in a well-ventilated area
  • Dispose of properly according to local regulations

Environmental Impact, Barium nitrate and sodium chromate

  • Barium nitrate: Can contaminate soil and water sources
  • Sodium chromate: Toxic to aquatic organisms


  • Both chemicals are regulated by various agencies worldwide
  • Follow all applicable regulations for handling, storage, and disposal

FAQ Explained

What are the molar masses of barium nitrate and sodium chromate?

Barium nitrate: 261.32 g/mol, Sodium chromate: 161.98 g/mol

Are barium nitrate and sodium chromate soluble in water?

Yes, both barium nitrate and sodium chromate are soluble in water.

What is a common industrial application of barium nitrate?

Barium nitrate is widely used in pyrotechnics due to its ability to produce green-colored flames.

What safety precautions should be taken when handling sodium chromate?

Sodium chromate is toxic and should be handled with care, avoiding contact with skin and eyes.